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Ballylifford Primary School

Pupil of the Month March 2017

31st Mar 2017

Pupil of the Month March 2017. Well done to all the pupils.

P1-P7 Flu Vaccination (16th Oct 2020) View download document
ABSIT Parent Leaflet Print version - Primary Post Primary.pdf (30th Jan 2024) View download document
ABSIT Primary Leaflet Print Version.pdf (30th Jan 2024) View download document
Accounts year ending Aug 2023 - Inc Independent report.pdf (4th Mar 2024) View download document
Administering Medication Policy - Ballylifford PS (19th May 2022) View download document
Advice for P.6 Parents on Transfer Process (1st Feb 2023) View download document
Advice Re. Fortnite (24th Apr 2018) View download document
AGM 2024-2005 Special Business.pdf (18th Sep 2024) View download document
AGM Agenda 2023-2024.pdf (19th Sep 2023) View download document
AGM Agenda 2024-2025.pdf (18th Sep 2024) View download document
AGM Trustees Report 2024-2025 1 .docx (18th Sep 2024) View download document
Alert letter (13th Sep 2021) View download document
Annual Christmas Draw Winners for 2018 (21st Dec 2018) View download document
Anti-Bullying Policy & Procedures (30th Nov 2016) View download document
Anti-Bullying Policy Procedures - Ballylifford PS (16th Oct 2019) View download document
Anti-Bullying Policy Procedures - Ballylifford PS (19th May 2022) View download document
Aoibhin (27th May 2020) View download document
Aoibhin (27th May 2020) View download document
asos-sustaining-improvement-inspection-ballylifford-primary-school-cookstown-county-tyrone-503-2208 (28th Nov 2019) View download document
Assessment Policy (30th Nov 2016) View download document
Attendance Policy - Ballylifford PS (27th Sep 2019) View download document
Attendance Policy - Ballylifford PS (19th May 2022) View download document
AWARE NI Connections Challenge (8th Jun 2020) View download document
Back to School (26th Aug 2022) View download document
Back to School (23rd Aug 2023) View download document
Ballylifford 100 (20th Sep 2022) View download document
Ballylifford 100 (18th Sep 2023) View download document
Ballylifford PS Education Restart -Updated Information (21st Aug 2020) View download document
Ballylifford PS Prospectus (19th Jan 2021) View download document
Ballylifford PS Prospectus Dec 2021 (25th Feb 2022) View download document
Ballylifford PS Prospectus Dec 2022 1 (21st Dec 2022) View download document
Ballylifford PS School Crest, Values and Motto (25th Oct 2017) View download document
Ballylifford School Safety Net Poster (26th Mar 2020) View download document
Catholic Schools Week 2019 (27th Jan 2019) View download document
Child Protection & Safeguarding Policy -Ballylifford PS (28th Nov 2019) View download document
Christmas Draw Raffle Prizes - December 2017 (21st Dec 2017) View download document
Christmas fun in December (27th Nov 2023) View download document
Christmas Newsletter 2017 (22nd Dec 2017) View download document
Christmas Newsletter 2019 (17th Dec 2019) View download document
Christmas Raffle Winners (21st Dec 2016) View download document
Class of 2020 Cherish Memories Booklet (29th Jun 2020) View download document
Classroom Assistant post available (6th Feb 2024) View download document
Complaints Policy - Ballylifford PS (27th Sep 2019) View download document
Conan S. (27th May 2020) View download document
Conor (27th May 2020) View download document
Critical Incident Policy - Ballylifford PS (28th Nov 2019) View download document
Data Protection GDPR Policy - Ballylifford PS.docx (17th Apr 2024) View download document
December 2016 Newsletter (21st Dec 2016) View download document
Ditch the Dark Day (15th Nov 2023) View download document
Drugs Policy - Ballylifford PS (27th Sep 2019) View download document
Drugs Policy - Ballylifford PS (19th May 2022) View download document
Eabha (27th May 2020) View download document
ECO CLASSROOM / OUTDOOR LEARNING & PLAY RESOURCES (2nd Jul 2019) View download document
ECO CLASSROOM / OUTDOOR LEARNING AREA ASSISTANCE (13th May 2021) View download document
Education Restart and New School Day Aug 2020 (8th Aug 2020) View download document
Educational Visits Policy - Ballylifford PS (27th Sep 2019) View download document
Educational Visits Policy - Ballylifford PS (19th May 2022) View download document
End of Year Mass Booklet (22nd Jun 2017) View download document
Eoin (27th May 2020) View download document
Equal Opportunities Diversity and Inclusion Policy - Ballylifford PS (7th Nov 2022) View download document
Equal Opportunities, Diversity and Inclusion Policy -Ballylifford PS (16th Oct 2019) View download document
Erin (27th May 2020) View download document
Erin 500k Words (27th May 2020) View download document
eSafety & ICT Policy - Ballylifford PS (12th Feb 2020) View download document
ETI Inspection Report Nov 2016 (11th Nov 2016) View download document
ETI Inspection Report Nov 2019 (28th Nov 2019) View download document
Eva (27th May 2020) View download document
Exciting News (27th Mar 2023) View download document
Farewell to our P7 pupils and Class of 2020 (29th Jun 2020) View download document
First Aid Policy - Ballylifford PS (27th Sep 2019) View download document
First Aid Policy - Ballylifford PS (19th May 2022) View download document
First Communion Letter to Parents (14th May 2018) View download document
FIRST COMMUNION MASS (11th May 2020) View download document
FIRST HOLY COMMUNION (18th Aug 2020) View download document
FIRST HOLY COMMUNION (14th Sep 2020) View download document
FOB AGM 2021 Minutes 10th November 2021 (4th Oct 2022) View download document
FOB AGM Agenda 2022-2023 (4th Oct 2022) View download document
FOB AGM Minutes 2022 14th September 2022 (4th Oct 2022) View download document
FOB AGM Minutes 2023 13th September 2023 .pdf (19th Sep 2023) View download document
FOB Chairs Report 2021-2022 (4th Oct 2022) View download document
FOB Committee Members 2022-2203 (4th Oct 2022) View download document
FOB committee members 2023-2204 1 .pdf (4th Mar 2024) View download document
FOB Constitution v3.0 September 2022 (4th Oct 2022) View download document
FOB Financial Accounts 1st Sep 2021 - 31st Aug 2022 (4th Oct 2022) View download document
FOB Halloween Event (11th Oct 2023) View download document
FOB Meeting Minutes 22nd January 2024 .pdf (4th Mar 2024) View download document
FOB Metting Minutes 25th April 2023 .pdf (19th Sep 2023) View download document
FOB Minutes Jan 2023 (27th Jan 2023) View download document
FOB Treasurers Report 2021-2022 (4th Oct 2022) View download document
Format Specification - A Guide for Parents and Teachers (19th May 2021) View download document
Friends of Ballylifford Colour Run (30th May 2024) View download document
Halloween Activities 2018 (12th Oct 2018) View download document
Health and Well-Being Policy - Ballylifford PS (19th May 2022) View download document
Health and Well-Being Policy -Ballylifford PS (16th Oct 2019) View download document
Health Eating Policy - Ballylifford PS (19th May 2022) View download document
Health Safety Policy - Ballylifford PS (27th Sep 2019) View download document
Health Safety Policy - Ballylifford PS (19th May 2022) View download document
Healthy Eating Policy - Ballylifford PS (16th Oct 2019) View download document
Holy Week 2020 Resources (7th Apr 2020) View download document
Homework Policy (30th Nov 2016) View download document
Important Dates for June (5th Jun 2023) View download document
Intimate Care Policy - Ballylifford PS (28th Nov 2019) View download document
Intimate Care Policy - Ballylifford PS (19th May 2022) View download document
January & February 2022 Newsletter (17th Jan 2022) View download document
January and February 2024 Newsletter (8th Jan 2024) View download document
June 2017 Newsletter (30th Jun 2017) View download document
L.J. (27th May 2020) View download document
Letter from Chief Medical Officer (10th Sep 2020) View download document
Letter from Chief Medical Officer (13th Sep 2021) View download document
Letter to Parents 22.06.20 (22nd Jun 2020) View download document
March and April Newsletter (25th Feb 2022) View download document
March and April Newsletter (9th Mar 2023) View download document
March and April Newsletter (26th Feb 2024) View download document
Marking for Improvement & Feedback Policy (30th Nov 2016) View download document
Maths Week 2018 (12th Oct 2018) View download document
Maths Week 2019 (14th Oct 2019) View download document
May and June 2023 Newsletter (20th Apr 2023) View download document
MEDICAL ADVICE INFORMATION FOR PARENTS/CARERS (10th Sep 2020) View download document
Meeting Agenda 22nd Jan 2024.pdf (4th Mar 2024) View download document
Mini Egg Challenge Poem (12th Apr 2017) View download document
Moving on from Ballylifford (24th Jun 2022) View download document
MY SCHOOL using an XBOX or PLAYSTATION (12th Jan 2021) View download document
News Update (12th Sep 2017) View download document
Newsletter - January & February 2023 (5th Jan 2023) View download document
Newsletter for November and December 2023 (8th Nov 2023) View download document
Newsletter November and December 2022 (9th Nov 2022) View download document
Newsletter Term 1 (5th Sep 2017) View download document
Newsletter Term Three 2019 (28th Jun 2019) View download document
Newsletter Term Two 2019 (16th Apr 2019) View download document
Newsletter Term Two 2019 (28th Jun 2019) View download document
Online Safety ICT Policy - Ballylifford PS (19th May 2022) View download document
Open Letter to Parents from the Education Minister (5th Mar 2021) View download document
Open Night (20th Nov 2023) View download document
P1 Admissions (19th Jan 2021) View download document
Parent's Online Safety Talk (10th Mar 2017) View download document
Pastoral Care Policy - Ballylifford PS (27th Sep 2019) View download document
Pastoral Care Policy - Ballylifford PS (19th May 2022) View download document
Phased Implementation of PLPs (4th Apr 2023) View download document
Planning for Entrance Assessment to Post-Primary 2021-2022 (19th May 2021) View download document
PLP PARENT LEAFLET (4th Apr 2023) View download document
Positive Behaviour Policy (28th Nov 2019) View download document
Positive Behaviour Policy - Ballylifford PS (19th May 2022) View download document
Post Primary Admissions Information (1st Feb 2023) View download document
PPTC Statement (19th May 2021) View download document
Primary 1 Induction Online Meeting (25th Jun 2020) View download document
primary-inspection-ballylifford-primary-school-cookstown-county-tyrone-503-2208 (28th Nov 2019) View download document
PTA Chairs Report 2022-2023.pdf (19th Sep 2023) View download document
PTA Treasurers Report 2022-2023 1 .pdf (4th Mar 2024) View download document
Relationships and Sexuality Policy (30th Nov 2016) View download document
REMOTE LEARNING SURVEY 2021 EVALUATION (13th May 2021) View download document
RSE Policy - Ballylifford PS (27th Sep 2019) View download document
RSE Policy - Ballylifford PS (19th May 2022) View download document
Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy (30th Nov 2016) View download document
Safeguarding Child Protection Policy - Ballylifford PS April 23 (19th Apr 2023) View download document
School Newsletter -December 2020 (16th Dec 2020) View download document
September and October 2022 Newsletter (20th Sep 2022) View download document
September and October Newsletter (26th Sep 2023) View download document
September Newsletter (14th Sep 2020) View download document
September-October 2021 Newsletter (5th Oct 2021) View download document
Special Needs Policy (30th Nov 2016) View download document
Sperrin Integrated College (12th Jan 2022) View download document
Sports Day 2017 (15th Jun 2017) View download document
Spring Coffee Morning and Ballylifford Bake Off (26th Feb 2024) View download document
Staff Code of Conduct Policy - Ballylifford PS (28th Nov 2019) View download document
Staff Code of Conduct Policy - Ballylifford PS (19th May 2022) View download document
Staff Member Procedure Poster SG CP (26th Mar 2020) View download document
STEM CHALLENGE WEEK 4 (27th Apr 2020) View download document
SUSTRANS Challenge 2 (7th Apr 2020) View download document
SUSTRANS RAINBOW BLING IT ACTIVITY (27th Apr 2020) View download document
Tadhg (27th May 2020) View download document
TERM 1A School Newsletter (8th Oct 2019) View download document
Term 2 Newsletter (28th Mar 2018) View download document
Term 2 Update: Return to School (3rd Jan 2021) View download document
Term 3 Home Learning letter to parents (23rd Apr 2020) View download document
Term 3 Newsletter (10th Apr 2024) View download document
Term Three Newsletter (3rd Jul 2018) View download document
The Daily Mile -Letter to Parents (27th Mar 2018) View download document
ThinkUKnow Parents Helpsheet (26th Mar 2020)

Parents help sheet during school closures. 

View download document
Thomas S. (27th May 2020) View download document
TRANSITION BOOKLET (11th Jun 2020) View download document
UPCOMING EVENTS (18th Jan 2019) View download document
VIRTUAL SPORTS DAY 2020 Flyer (8th May 2020) View download document
VIRTUAL SPORTS DAY 2020 Information Booklet (8th May 2020) View download document
VIRTUAL SPORTS DAY 2020 Letter to Parents (8th May 2020) View download document
VIRTUAL SPORTS DAY 2020 Road Map (8th May 2020) View download document
WELCOME BACK EVERYONE! (2nd Sep 2020) View download document