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Ballylifford Primary School
School Photographer - Tuesday 1st October | Staff Development Day - Monday 30th September (School will be closed for all pupils)
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Weekly Pupil Awards

18th Sep 2020

On our third full week back at school with our ‘New School Day’ Education Restart, we had the opportunity to award our pupils in each Key Stage a Pupil of the Week certificate with focus on the Golden Rules.

Unfortunately, we have had to change our previous format of whole school weekly assembly with Principal Awards certificates and School Values Cup to ‘Pupil of the Week certificates and one ‘School Values Cup’ for each Key Stage to be awarded in class.

From next week we will be awarding ‘Pupil of the Week’ certificates and our ‘School Values’ Cups to one pupil in each Key Stage. 

This week well done to all our pupils who received a ‘Pupil of the Week’ certificate. 

Foundation Stage: Eva Mae for setting well into her new school and great listening.

Key Stage 1:

Key Stage 2: Ryan for making excellent start to his learning & being very helpful to his class teachers.