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Ballylifford Primary School
Feast of the Epiphany - Monday 6th January. All staff and pupils will attend mass at 10am. | Term 2 begins Monday 6th January - we hope everyone had a lovely Christmas and we look forward to seeing all our pupils and staff tomorrow.
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Wise Bites Healthy Eating Programme KS1

2nd May 2019

The children enjoyed participating in the Wise Bites Programme. They cut up several fruits and made smoothies using strawberries, bananas, pineapple, freshly squeezed orange juice, milk and yoghurt. Delicious!

1hr week 1-3 (in school) for young people around sensory exploring of foods, tasting and preparing healthy food

1hr -week 4 parents and young people together- so young people can show their parents what they have been learning and make food to try together