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Ballylifford Primary School
Feast of the Epiphany - Monday 6th January. All staff and pupils will attend mass at 10am. | Term 2 begins Monday 6th January - we hope everyone had a lovely Christmas and we look forward to seeing all our pupils and staff tomorrow.
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Weekly Awards in KS2

1st Oct 2021

This week our Pupil of the week is awarded to Rihannon Conway.  Rihannon is so helpful in class and has been making a super effort with her Division work in Numeracy this week.  Well done Rihannon!

Our School Values cup is awarded to Leah Loughran.  Leah is extremely mature in her attitude to learning and her work is a delight to read.  Leah drew a fantastic chalk picture of Space to add to our topic display.  Well done Leah!