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Ballylifford Primary School

Thank you Frank Diamond from ALPS

30th May 2022

This afternoon our P.6/7 children enjoyed a fantastic session with Frank Diamond from ALPS ‘All Lives Are Precious’.  The session focused on mental health and building resilience especially for our P.7 children to help prepare them for moving on to big school in September.  Frank talked to the children about ‘Care Bears’ (positive thoughts and feelings) and ‘Gremlins’ (negative thoughts and feelings) that go on inside our heads and the importance of talking to someone if we need help.  He also spoke about ‘Gratitude’ and how we should be so thankful for all the good things in our lives.  Frank ended the session with the song ‘Lean on me’ which the children thoroughly enjoyed performing and adding actions.  Massive thank you to Frank - it was a pleasure having him work with our P.6/7 children today.