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Ballylifford Primary School
Feast of the Epiphany - Monday 6th January. All staff and pupils will attend mass at 10am. | Term 2 begins Monday 6th January - we hope everyone had a lovely Christmas and we look forward to seeing all our pupils and staff tomorrow.
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St. John's Ambulance Training

3rd Dec 2018

This morning our P5-P7 pupils made the short trip to our neighbouring school, Derrychrin PS to receive a talk and get the opportunity to witness a number of training demonstrations delivered by volunteers from St John's Ambulance service. 

Pupils from both schools got the opportunity to see the inside of an ambulance, various equipment used and were given the chance to practice CPR on a test dummy.

We would like to thank the volunteers from St John's Ambulance Service for giving up their free time to demonstrate  life saving skills and it was an invaluable experience for all pupils. 

Also a big thank you to Daniel Bell for organising the information morning and we are only too glad to be part of the ongoing fundraising efforts by both school communities to purchase two defibrillators for Ballinderry Parish.