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Ballylifford Primary School
All God's Children Mass for P.4 Pupils - Sunday 2nd February at 10am.
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Special visit from Constable Johnny Wilson

20th Nov 2024
The boys and girls in Ballylifford enjoyed a visit today from Constable Johnny Wilson to celebrate road safety week. Constable Johnny told us all about how to be safe on the roads, to wear our bright, high visibility clothes and to stay with an adult. He talked about how to be safe in a car, sitting on a car seat if needed and always wearing our seatbelt properly. We discussed how to be safe on a bike, why we wear our helmets and safe places where we can play on our bikes. Constable Johnny even let the P.1/2’s have a look inside his police car! Many thanks to Constable Johnny for keeping us safe and for a lovely morning. 
All God's Children Mass for P.4 Pupils - Sunday 2nd February at 10am.