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Ballylifford Primary School
Feast of the Epiphany - Monday 6th January. All staff and pupils will attend mass at 10am. | Term 2 begins Monday 6th January - we hope everyone had a lovely Christmas and we look forward to seeing all our pupils and staff tomorrow.
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October Awards in P1/2

21st Oct 2021

A huge congratulations to all of our award winners in P1/2 this week.

Freya won P1 Pupil of the Month for being better focussed and making great numeral formations.

Eva-Mae won P2 Pupil of the Month for making a great effort in all areas, being helpful and showing kindness to others.

Ryan won this month’s Super Literacy Award for making a great effort in all of his Literacy activities.

Padraig won this month’s Super Numeracy Award for making a fantastic effort in all areas of Numeracy.

Mia won the School Values Cup for her wonderful kindness and helpful attitude to both pupils and adults.

Well done everyone 👏👏👏