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Ballylifford Primary School

NI Water Refillution Talk

22nd Nov 2019

Thank you to Anna from NI Water who delivered a talk on the importance of refill and reusable bottles encouraging good hydration as a healthy choice and reducing single use plastic water bottles. It’s means Ballylifford PS have joined the #Refillution and are now a Refill School making the pledge to reduce single use plastics.

It was a very informative talk highlighting many interesting facts such as

560million litres of water cleaned every day by NI Water
Tap water (free) and buying bottle of water ( cost)
Bottles not being recycled are seriously damaging our environment
Scientists feel in the future there will be more plastics waste than fish in the sea

We are very grateful to NI Water who provided every pupil with a reusable bottle which will help towards reducing the use of plastic bottles.