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Ballylifford Primary School
Feast of the Epiphany - Monday 6th January. All staff and pupils will attend mass at 10am. | Term 2 begins Monday 6th January - we hope everyone had a lovely Christmas and we look forward to seeing all our pupils and staff tomorrow.
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Month of the Rosary and Mission Month

5th Oct 2024

Today we began our whole school rosary for the month of October.  Each Friday in October, we will come together to remember all those in our school community who need our prayers at this time.  We will also pray for all people around the world who are less fortunate than ourselves, with each decade of the rosary representing a different area of the world.  Thank you to our P.7 pupils for leading the rosary today - Isla, Emilia, Tilly and Rhys.  P.5/6/7 were busy this week creating our Rosary display - thank you boys and girls.