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Ballylifford Primary School
School Photographer - Tuesday 1st October | Staff Development Day - Monday 30th September (School will be closed for all pupils)
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First Holy Communicants 2024

11th May 2024

A huge congratulations to the P.4 children from our parish on celebrating their First Holy Communion this morning.  The boys and girls were absolutely outstanding in their prayers, singing, readings and tin whistle.  Thank you to Ms Hurl and Miss McGuigan for preparing the children so well and to all the staff who have been part of the P.4 faith journey - they were an absolute credit to both schools.  

Thank you to Mrs Sweeney and Miss Hughes for the beautiful music and to the children who came along to sing in the choir - you were all fantastic.
Thank you to Fr Donnelly for leading the sacrament of First Holy Communion and to John Wilson for his help today and making the chapel available for practices.  Thank you to Philomena McGuckin for her care and support towards the P.4 pupils all year. 
The flowers in the chapel were stunning as always - a special mention to all the ladies in the Altar society.
Thank you to John O’Neill for coming along to take photos of the children and their families.
Last but not least, thank you to all the parents/carers for turning the children out today - boys you all looked so handsome and girls you were little princesses.
Enjoy this very special day making memories with your family and make the most of the glorious sunshine.
God Bless everyone!