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Ballylifford Primary School
School Photographer - Tuesday 1st October | Staff Development Day - Monday 30th September (School will be closed for all pupils)
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End of year mass - June 2024

20th Jun 2024

This morning we celebrated our End of year mass together with our whole school community.  We are immensely proud of our children from P.1 to P.7 for their prayers, singing, readings, tin whistle and reflection.  Fr Donnelly commented on the children and their exemplary behaviour, their happy faces and the way they responded with their prayers - we thank Fr Donnelly for his kind words and beautiful mass.  

During our mass we remembered all those in our school community who are sick at this time and asked God to look after and protect them.  A special thank you to all staff for helping to prepare the children for this morning and to Mrs Sweeney for the uplifting music and tin whistle playing.  Thank you to all parents/carers who attended and watched via the webcam.  An truely inspirational morning as we thanked God for guiding us throughout this school year.  Thank you to P.7 pupils Brooke and Oonagh for designing the front cover of our mass booklet.