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Ballylifford Primary School

Confirmandi 2023

3rd Mar 2023

Congratulations to our P.7 pupils who celebrated the sacrament of Confirmation yesterday evening along with our parish school Derrychrin.  A wonderful parish event for everyone involved.  As always, the P.7 children were an absolute credit and we couldn’t be more proud of them.

Thank you to Bishop Router, Fr Guan and Rev Fr Donnelly for the beautiful service.

To John Wilson and the Altar society for having the chapel prepared so beautifully for Confirmation.

To Philomena and the Altar servers for doing a wonderful job on the night - special mention to our Altar Servers Aoife and Rihannon.

Thank you to Mrs Sweeney and Mrs Hughes for preparing the children in the choir and what an amazing job they did  - the singing was outstanding and really uplifting.

Thank you to all the staff from both Ballylifford and Derrychrin for helping to prepare the children and for the excellent artwork on both displays.  A special mention to Miss Mayo and Rosemary who help our P.7 children on a daily basis and give them so much care and attention.

Thank you to the P.7 parents and family members for your continued support and for attending - we hope you enjoyed your child’s special night.

We hope our P.7 children had a lovely evening and we wish them every happiness and success over the next few months in P.7. 
God Bless everyone!