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Ballylifford Primary School
Feast of the Epiphany - Monday 6th January. All staff and pupils will attend mass at 10am. | Term 2 begins Monday 6th January - we hope everyone had a lovely Christmas and we look forward to seeing all our pupils and staff tomorrow.
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‘Clever Cloggers'

8th May 2019

Our P7 pupils took part in the ‘Clever Cloggers’ Programme by Julie from ‘Amazing Brains’. The pupils joined up with P7 pupils from Coagh and Stewartstown Primary Schools.  

The Programme was very informative for the pupils they took part in various tasks and watched videos helping the pupils believe in themselves and how to look after your brain. 

Some of the videos they watched were:
Kid President (Song: Households)
Look After Your Brain
Boiled a bowl of Coke and Coke Zero to show what it contains when liquid evaporates
Lessons from Geese.

The tasks included:

Buddy Bingo as an ice breaker and getting to know other pupils from other schools.
Growth Mindset ideas and how YOUR brain is amazing
Made Neurons using pipe cleaners and joined up together with other groupsThe Big Squeeze - game to pass message along line
Fuel your brain and finding out about the nutritional information for each food item and the importance of Diet Water Exercise Sleep
Memory Master game to learn memory strategies
Strategies about over coming fears and challenges starting Post Primary school

The parents who attended the follow up ‘parents information session’ taken by Julie are hopefully better informed about how they can help their children with their learning.

Thank you to SOFT Project again for organising another informative and meaningful session for all the pupils from the three schools. Big thank you to our wonderful hosts and Shared Education partner school Coagh PS.